All about coin trading and how to do it


Coin Trading is a process of buying and selling cryptocurrency. Coin trading is a profitable business, and it's a great way to make money online. In addition, it is an easy method for earning extra income through coin trading, so let's learn more about this method.    


The process of coin trading


1. First, you need to choose the best coin trading company for yourself.


First, select the cryptocurrency from which you want to trade, and then deposit money in your account. After depositing money, choose a market (such as BTC/ETH) so that after placing an order, it will automatically get filled. You can then start making profits through this method by earning daily income or hourly income based on your investment volume.


2. Second, select the trading pair- BTC/ETH


After selecting your cryptocurrency and market, now it's time to choose a coin trading pair. What is the meaning of selecting a trading pair? It means that you are buying or selling coins in exchange for another one. For example, you can buy any number of coins with BTC, but when you sell these same coins, you will receive payment in ETH (for example). This method ensures maximum profitability when compared to other methods. The coin charts show the difference between buying and selling coins in exchange for BTC or ETH.


3. Third, place an order


After choosing the coin trading pair and depositing money in your account, it's time to make a purchase. You can do this by placing two orders: buy or sell. First, you will need to select whether you want to BUY/SELL coins with. It means that if we choose our cryptocurrency as ETH and market as BTC, we will be buying Ether using Bitcoins. This way, you have successfully placed an order without any hassle. For this to turn out profitable, you should also know how toread a crypto chart.       



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